Seniors: Helping Seniors and their Families

[An image of Ontario in the background and a senior couple holding hands in the foreground.]

[Title: Ontario is helping seniors and their families]

[An image of Ontario, with molars and hearts running across the screen in the background and two seniors holding hands in the foreground.]

[Title: Providing dental care for low-income seniors]

[Hospital beds are shown moving across the screen.]

[Title: Creating 15,000 new long-term care beds]

[A ramp with an accessibility image.]

[Title: Making Ontario more accessible]

[A senior couple is shown holding hands standing next to a house]

[Title:  And proposing to reduce the Estate Administration Tax on all taxable estates]

[An image of Ontario in the background and a family, dollar sign, and couple in the foreground.]

[Title: To help people and families save money]

[A couple is shown holding hands.]

[Title: Putting people first.]

[The word “Ontario” appears on the left side and the trillium logo appears on the right side.]