Narrator: This video shows how to manage locations in SADIE, the Special Authorization Digital Information Exchange.
All names and accounts in this video demonstration are fictional.
Select the Menu, then select Profile Management, and then click on the Location Management button.
The Location Management screen displays.
A location is typically a physical address where a prescriber provides services to patients, for example, a prescriber’s office, clinic, or hospital.
Requests are associated with locations, which allows prescribers to determine which designates can view specific requests. Delegates automatically have access to all location(s). Designates are assigned to location(s) and they only see saved requests, submitted requests, and assessment results for their assigned location(s), to ensure that patients’ personal health information is protected.
To support the current prescriber workflow of having a Patient Support Program (known as a PSP) or Drug Access Navigator (known as a DAN) assist with EAP requests, a prescriber or delegate can create a unique location for each PSP or DAN that helps the prescriber.
Prescribers can have as many locations in SADIE as are required to reflect where they see patients and who assists with EAP requests.
Note that prescribers and their authorized users are responsible for maintaining their locations within SADIE, to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date.
Prescribers and delegates can select the Set Primary button to identify a location as 'primary'. The primary location is the default location for new requests. Note that locations can be updated and that a different location can be selected when creating a new EAP request in SADIE, if desired.
If a location does not appear in SADIE, prescribers and delegates can add a new location by clicking the Add new location button, and if location details are incorrect, users can edit the existing details by selecting the Edit button.
Clicking either button opens the Manage Location window. Record or update the required detailsand optional information as desired.
At least one fax number is required for each location. A second fax number can be recorded, if desired. Click the Add new fax number link and a second tab opens. Add the second fax number with an optional description.
If this fax number will become the ‘primary’ or default fax number for requests for this location, select the button to reflect this.
You should refrain from deleting an existing fax number as it may be required by the prescriber.
Be aware that any changes to a location (including setting a new primary fax number), will impact requests that are associated with the location.
Select the Save button.
The Location Management screen displays, and the new or updated location record appears.
Once a new location is set-up, the delegate (or prescriber) can assign designates to it through SADIE. See the ‘How to Set-up a Delegate or Designate to Use SADIE’ video for more information about setting up new users.
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