Getting your Ontario Driver's Licence (Part 4)

[Shots of young woman driving her car with a driving instructor in the passenger seat in a residential neighbourhood.]

NARRATOR >> This is the fourth and final video in our series on "How To Get Your Driver's  Licence," and today we're going to cover how to get your full G licence and keep it!

[Young woman leaves her car and enters the Drivers Test centre. She speaks to desk clerk.]

NARRATOR >> If you've been in G2 for at least 12 months, and more importantly, you feel you're ready; then it's time to make an appointment with your local DriveTest Centre for your G2 Road Test.  The process is much like that for the G1 Road Test, [female shows person at desk her licence] you should show up 30 minutes early with a road-worthy vehicle 2 pieces of acceptable ID, the test fee, and glasses or contacts if you need them.

[Young woman is back in her car, putting on her licence. She sits next to a driving examiner.]

NARRATOR >> Check in first, and then wait for the examiner in your car.

[Examiner has the young woman fill out a for before her test.]

NARRATOR >> The examiner will require you to fill out a "Declaration of Highway Driving Experience" form in the car before your test. In the G1 Road Test there are tests on basic driving skills: straight line driving, observing speed limits, turns and braking.

[Young woman and examiner are out on a 400-series highway, showcasing advanced driving techniques.]

NARRATOR >> But for G2, Examiners are going to look for a higher level of driving skill and confidence. By this point the driver will have had at least another 12 months of driving experience, and should have mastered more advanced driving techniques, such as highway merging, lane changing and maintaining highway speed. These items in particular can lead to the common problems we find in the G2 Road Test: failing to yield the right of way, unsafe lane changes, speeding or  going too slowly, and failing to obey road signs or traffic signals.

[Car pulls back into the examination parking lot.]

NARRATOR >> Chapter 6 of the Official Driver's  Handbook covers everything the driver needs to know for the G2 Road Test.

[Examiner is going through their notes in the car, before the young woman exits the car and goes back into the Drivers Test centre.]

NARRATOR >> Now the end is in sight, pass the G2 Road Test and you will have earned your full G licence and all the independence that goes with it. But just before we wrap up this last video, let's review the top four ways young drivers can jeopardize their driving privileges and safety. After all, you put a lot of time and effort into getting that full G, you want to keep it.

[TITLE: Research shows when you're not wearing a seatbelt, you are 28 times more like to be killed in a fatal or personal injury collision.]

NARRATOR >> The top 4 ways?

YOUNG WOMAN #2 >> Well, I'd say one of them is got to be ignoring the seatbelt rules. Everyone in the car has to have their own seatbelt.

[TITLE: The risk of a fatality or serious injury is almost 8 times greater for occupants of vehicles involved in a collision at 50km/h or more above the posted speed limit.]

YOUNG WOMAN #3 >> Speeding, street racing.

YOUNG WOMAN #4 >> Um, anything that distracts the driver. Cell phones, texting, eating.

YOUNG WOMAN #3 >> No mp3 players, notebooks, video games.

YOUNG WOMAN #2 >> I would say no alcohol for sure!

YOUNG WOMAN #4 >> Or drugs. Like never! If you're going to drive, you need to stay focused.

[Shots of cars driving along a 400-series highway at night time.]

NARRATOR >> That's the key to the whole thing. So, thanks for watching, and stay focused.

[BOARD: Ontario Government Website:]