Clear Valley Hops - Simcoe County | comté de Simcoe


[TITLE: Minister's Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence.]

[Establishing shot of the Clear Valley Hops brewery storefront. This is followed by shots of the Clear Valley Hops farm personnel clearing hops from a field. We then see Laurie Thatcher-Craig of Clear Valley Hops stanind in one of their fields, speaking to camera.]

LAURIE THATCHER-CRAIG - Clear Valley Hops >> There was a recent report released by OMAFRA that 7.13 million dollars was spent on hops outside Ontario. There is no reason why we cannot supply the brewers of Ontario and the brewers of Canada if we bring this crop back, but it has to be brought back in the right way. Quality.

[Shots of the Clear Valley Hops farm personnel working with the hops in their brewery, and the processing involved in the hops. We then see Laurie Thatcher-Craig of Clear Valley Hops stanind in one of their fields, speaking to camera.]

LAURIE THATCHER-CRAIG >> We harvest, we dry very low temperatures to preserve the oil, pelletize and vacuum seal in nitrogen and flash freeze all within 24 hours of harvest. It's unheard of in the industry. But that is what makes a quality beer. And all we know is the breweries that we are selling to have all reported back, we don't know what your hops are doing, we cannot keep up with demand.

[Close-up, beauty shots of hops on the Clear Valley Hops farm. This is followed by shots of the Clear Valley Hops farm personnel clearing hops from a field. We then see Laurie Thatcher-Craig of Clear Valley Hops stanind in one of their fields, speaking to camera.]

LAURIE THATCHER-CRAIG >> We're constantly volunteering our time and our knowledge to have farmers grow the right way. This has been a hard struggle. We invested everything we had. We believed in Ontario. We believed we could do it. And it was the happiest day in our lives, I gotta tell you when that phone call came in that we were being recognized for that.

[TITLE: Congratulations to Clear Valley Hops.]

[TITLE: Minister's Award for Agri-Food Innovation Excellence.]